
My sir, son of Allah’s Messenger (pbuhahf) one day I had eaten meat without checking if it was permitted, and despite me not knowing that it was permitted I ate it, and it is likely that I ate prohibited food, so I request from you that you firstly pray for my forgiveness, then I would like to know the compensation for this sin.

How does the soul connect with the body?


A2: I ask Allah to give you opportunities and to forgive you, and if you wish to give the compensation and to purify your body from the prohibited (food) then you must fast and reduce your food intake, until you dissolve what was made from the prohibited and you build your body with what it permitted.


And prohibited food affects the heart because it flows in the blood and most of it reaches the physical heart in the chest, and the chest is the place that the spirit connects to the body, and good food also has a positive effect on the human heart and his connection with the spiritual heavens and his ability to see the spiritual heavens. It is for this reason that Allah (swt) has warned those who requested the table from heaven that if they disbelieved then He would punish them in such a way that He would not punish anyone else in all the realms: (Allah said, “I am sending it down on you, so whoever of you disbelieves thereafter then I will punish you in such a way that I will not punish anyone else in all the realms) and that is because the table from the heaven is permitted food and good and it affects the heart, so they will see the spiritual heavens and their hearts will be satisfied with that, and this is the reason they had themselves given for requesting a table from heaven, so that their hearts would be satisfied: (They said, “We wish to eat from it so that our hearts will be satisfied”). They had certainly not intended a miracle, for there were many miracles that they had seen from Jesus (pbuh) and there is nothing specific about a table from heaven as a miracle so that they would attain satisfaction of the heart as opposed to any other way. The only thing that can result in satisfaction of the heart is the good permitted blessed food from heaven that enables them to see the spiritual heavens: (When the disciples said “Oh Jesus son of Mary, can you ask your Lord to send down a table from heaven?” He said, “Fear Allah, if you are believers” @ They said, “We want to eat from it and for our hearts to be satisfied and so we know that you told the truth and for us to be witnesses” @ Jesus son of Mary said, “Oh Allah, our Lord, send down on us a table from heaven that it will be a celebration (eid) for us, for the first of us and the last of us, and a sign from you. And give us sustenance, You are the best of sustainers” @  Allah said, “I am sending it down on you, so whoever of you disbelieves thereafter then I will punish you in such a way that I will not punish anyone else in all the realms).
