
Manners of Ansar with non-Ansar family members

Is it considered disobedient, if someone cuts ties with their parents or their blood relative because they did not believe in the Call (of Syed Ahmed Al-Hasan)? Otherwise, what should they do?


It is better for the believer to treat their blood relations well and to try to guide them as much as possible. As for the parents in particular, it is necessary to treat them well even if they do not believe, Allah Most High said: (If they strive that you ascribe partners to Me regarding that which you have no knowledge, then do not obey them but accompany them in this life with good and follow the path of he who turns to Me, then to Me is your return and I will inform you about what you used to do – Luqman: 15)


Various Jurisprudential Answers Volume 1 Question 37