
Grave of Syeda Zainab (A.S) and visiting it



Where is Syeda Zainab (A.S) buried, and why is it important to visit her grave?


This is answered in the following section of Al Jawab Al Muneer, question 257 in volume 3


(أما ضريح السيدة زينب بنت علي ع فهو في الشام)

As for the tomb of Syedah Zainab b. Ali (pbut), it is in Syria.


The importance of visiting any of the Ahlulbayt, especially key personalities, is to keep their memories alive and to encourage people to follow on their divine path.

زيارة ضرائح أهل البيت عمل مهم بما فيها إيحاء أمرهم وذكرياتهم و لرغبة الناس على الدرب بمنهجهم الإلهي

Ahmad al-Hasan